Fun at the Photojournalism class

Today we ahve talked about sports at the photojournalism clas. We are to take sport pictures for next week, that's our homework. During the class we talked about how to cover different sports. It got kinda dul when we talked about sports taht I'm not that interted in, like baseball and football. Better with soccer, basketball and volleyball. But it won't work do like the pro photographers do, to hang up strobes in the rafters of the arena och stadium. I just hope that I will come close enough to take a good picture and don't have to stand in the parking lot or something.
When I have taken my sports pictures I will show them to you. Tuseday at the latest.

But, today I got praise at the photo class! Finnaly! Today I wsn't the worst :P Our homework for today was shadows. One of the pictures I took of myself, a kind of self portrait through the curtains yesterday. After that me, Emil and Steffi outside and took a lot of pictures (which we had been doing most of the day). We walked to the freeway entrance where we took a lot of pictures of shadows. One of them I used for the homework. And some of them are not for the public to see...

Here are my two pictures. Theme: Shadows

Self portrait

Totem pole?
Indian god? Swedish students?