Cakes and emergency turnout at work

Yesterday several cool things occurred at work.

Today the newspaper Hallandsposten turns 160 years. Today that will be celebrated with cake to the general public. Therefore we needed a picture of the cake in the paper, and we took it yesterday. But after carving it and taking the pictures there were only one thing we could do with it. Eat it! Omnomnom.


Yesterday it was also the birthday of the photographer Linn. She brought her home made pineapple pie with whipped cream. Again, omnomnom.


The evening was calm, editorywise and not much happened. Until 11.30PM. Then an alarm came in about a fire at a retirement home. All the journalists and photographers had left for the day, so me and the other page editor Thomas went out with camera and note pad to write about it.


A lot of fire trucks and ambulances followed our way. When there it turned out that it had been an old lady who had smoked in her bed and triggered the alarm. No one was injured, and nothing had burned. So we didn’t get any story, and that’s nice. But it was the first time I had to rush out as a journalist to cover a story and it was very cool. That I can say now since it all turned out well.