Not one moment of spare time
As usual it’s been a long time since I blogged. There’s just not enough time. I will give a little glance of what I’ve been up to since last time, besides the usual Thursday quiz and Sunday hangout.
Last weekend was really fun. Saturday there was a job party at a convention farm out in the woods. We had games, barbeque, a sauna, swimmed in an ice cold lake, bathed in outdoor hot tubs, had dinner and dance. A lot of fun. And drinks :)

Sunday I worked an extra shift pretty much all day. But before that I had been to a dance show. My friend Katta is one of the trainers, and her crews were really good. Here you can see some photos and a video clip.
Here you can see some photos and a video clip.
And now for this weeks’ packed schedule:
Monday: We went to Anna and made Christmas candy and cookies. We went on all night, and got a whole lot of sweet things.
Tuesday: Except work I have managed to do FOUR things today. Christmas shopping with dad, workout, bought things for tomorrow and tonight we are gonna watch the extended version of The Two Towers.
Wednesday: Gingerbread house competition, and then the premier of The Hobbit.
Thursday: Anniversary quiz, it’s the 100th, so a lot of fun things is to expect.
Friday: Go out with some work buddies.
Saturday: go to Gothenburg. Shop, and go to a house warming party.
Sunday: Christmas fair at Liseberg.
A lot of things to do, and soon it is Christmas. I have fun, and it’s good now, even though it’s not much sleep nowadays :)
Btw, tomorrow it’s 121212