Summer, summer, summer
I guess there’s no use in trying to find an excuse for why I haven’t blogged all summer. Summer holiday?
Of which I’ve had none. Well, a week. It was nice to be off work and just relax then.
But I’ve still been busy. Every afternoon and evening all summer I have had something to do, after working all day.
I can’t go through all things I’ve done this summer, but here are some of the things I’ve been up to.
The weather has been amazing this summer. Hardly any rain until way into August. Mostly warm, sunny and lovely.

I’ve tried standup-paddeling. Ten of us, some of them from work, 9k along the river Fylleån. Fun, good exercise, and gorgeous nature.

I attended a big concert, Robbie Williams in Gothenburg. All power, damn good and lovely.

Women’s European championship of soccer was held in Sweden this summer, and Halmstad was one of the host cities. I attended the quarter final in Halmstad, where Sweden beat Iceland 4-0. In the next game Sweden was eliminated against Germany.

Speaking of Germany, me and my dad went there for a mini vacation to the small town of Burg auf Fehmarn. From Friday night till Sunday afternoon. A cozy little town, good food, cold beer. Perfect. Then bringing some home as well.

We have had a bachelor party for Marcus who got married in the spring.
Ola, Mariana, Christoffer and Lidia came visit me, and everything was back as it once was in Santa Barbara.

Plus many other nice parties, minigolf games, after beach, after work and party with the summer standins from work.

I have seen that I am lousy at blogging, but I’ll try to be better. Maybe a bit easier now when summer soon is over, but I can’t promise anything.