Lots of nice things the past week
Last night it was the Academy Award. Just as last year we were at Henric’s and had a bunch of food, snacks and soda.
It was a nice show too. Three Swedish awards, and the Documentary award for Searching For Sugar Man was extra nice to see.
Otherwise it was a good gala, hosted by Set MacFarlane in a brilliant way. Good winners too, I think. Of the major movies, I have only seen Les Miserables and Django Unchained, but would love to see more of the others. It was nice to see that there were so many movies that appealed to a wider audience base.
So, I’m a bit tired tonight, staying up all night for the Oscars. I got a powernap for an hour when I got home, but tonight I’m calling in early.

At my job it’s a bit better now. I have got a temp-position for a year, as the editor of the letters-to-the-editor section. For the first time ever I know what I’ doing for an extended period of time.
This week me, Henric and Andreas have booked our tickets to America! April 19th we take of to the wonderful California. Goddammit, I’m so excited to go back there!

The Walking Dead has started again. So far I have seen two episodes, but it looks really good for the upcoming season.
And I have gotten a birthday package from Lauren :)