The trip to America
I’ve been home for about two weeks now, but haven’t had time to blog yet. So, here comes.
Me, Andreas and Henric have had 3,5 incredible busy, but also amazing, weeks. We did so much, met a whole lot of people, and had some really delish food.
It didn’t start that great, though. We were supposed to fly in form Copenhagen to San Francisco, via Chicago. But the plane was delayed, and the flight took longer than planned. And that week, one of America’s budget cuts was to save money on the customs. So we had to be in line for almost three hours at O’Hare airport in Chicago. All this made us miss our next flight, as well as all other flights to San Francisco for the rest of the day. After first being offered a flight the next day at 7 pm (!) via HOUSTON (!!) we got a flight to Sacramento the next morning. But we got a night at the Chicago airport. Sucked.
Lauren helped us to get bus tickets from Sacramento to San Francisco, so we arrived eventually. And we had such a good time!
We got to do so much. We went on a tourist bus to see most of the city. We walked around a lot downtown, Fisherman’s Wharf, the Full House- house, we went to Alcatraz. We checked out the redwood forest of Muir Woods, and went shopping. One night Lauren and Riley came, and we celebrated Lauren’s birthday at a restaurant and some cocktail bars.
We did so much, both stuff I had done before, as well as things I hadn’t. And it was really nice the whole time.

Then we took Highway 1 towards the best town in the world – Santa Barbara!

We stayed at Villa Rosa Inn, a really nice apartment hotel, where my parents stayed before. We checked out my school and the town, and we went to see some movies. We met some of my friends, like Gaby and Paige. But also…
One night we had set up to meet for dinner at Sandbar, all of us. The girls said they would be late, so we went to eat on our own. Eventually came Paige and… Cecily!
She had went all the way from San Diego, an eight hour drive, just to come see me and surprise me. And boy, was I surprised! And happy! This was by far the single best moment on this trip for me.
She was with us the whole weekend, and with Gaby and Paige we went partying, visited the Danish town of Solvang, went to wine bars and did small roadtrips.
Some sweet days with amazing friends.

Next stop was Hollywood. We stayed at a place right in the center of everything, one street away from Hollywood Boulevard. A few minutes to Madame Tussauds, Chinese Theatre, and Dolby (Kodak) Theater. At Chinese we say several movies in the evenings, really cool and awesome sound.

We also visited some theme parks. Six Flags I had been to before, but it’s always fun, despite the fact that the best roller coaster, X2, was closed.
But I had never been to Universal Studios, and it was so much fun. We all thought so, since we are all in to movies and TV series. And theme parks. It was so fun ot see the Jurassic Park things, and the –ride. Also really cool 3D rides with themes from Transformers and The Simpsons. Then we went on the studio tour, with sceneries and shooting locations from everything possible. On the top of Henric’s wishing list was to go to Wisteria Lane, where they shot Desperate Housewives, his favorite tv show. But just as we were to enter that street, the car turned right, into another road. They were shooting commercial at Wisteria Lane, so we couldn’t go there. Henric was very disappointed.

One of the days we spent in Santa Monica, and did some shopping at Melrose Avenue. We never went to Downtown LA, because let’s face it, what is there to do? Nothing to see.
The hotel we stayed at was quite nice, and had a nice pool area. It also had interesting guests. Jonas Hallberg, co-host of Swedish Top Model was there, as well as a lot of models. But also – the world’s best known – and totally gross, porn star – Ron Jeremy.
The next stop was San Diego. I had only been there for a short while at Sea World, but hadn’t seen the city. The city is a lot of different neighborhoods, that our host Cecily showed us. We went to a baseball game, went partying in different areas of the city, we went to Sea World, and on hikes and road trips. We celebrated Cinqo de Mayo in Old town, which is very Mexican. Well, most of San Diego is, since it’s so close to Mexico.

The last part of the trip was Las Vegas, this amazing and totally crazy place. Many tours up and down The Strip, shopping, great restaurants (like one of Gordon Ramsay’s places and the world’s best Caesar salad, at Caesar’s Palace of course) and a show with Elton John. It was incredible. Especially in the extra number, when he sang Circle of Life. The goose bumps are almost still there.
We staayed at New York-New York, a very nie hotel.We also went to Grand Canyon.
The last days it was extremely warm, triple digit, so we had some time to go to the pool and get some sun the last days before going home.

In total, we have had such a great time, experienced so much and enjoyed the moment. This was just what we needed, and the exact right persons to experience it with.