I’m watching the two worst movies every. The Ninja Mission and 2019 – the new barbarians. I borrowed them from Roger at work. And I’m not badmouthing his choice of film – he told me these were terrible, and therefore I should watch them.
There Swedish, but the first takes place in the Soviet Unions (with ninjas), even though you can see old Volvo cars with Swedish plates…
But last week I saw a really good movie, the sequel to The Hunger games, Catching fire. I’ve also read the book,

and I was pleasantly surprised. The movie stuck to the book well.
NHL has started so and so, but they’ll get it eventually.
Swedish Idol only has two more episodes. I love this show. Go Elin!

At work there has been a whole lot going on, with a new layout for the paper, new networks and other things, but it’s getting better and better.
We had a company party Saturday. Bowling, dinner and then party at a nightclub. Really nice.
And I’m also doing a lot of other fun things, and I guess it will be even more now that the holiday season is coming up