Really busy, but in retrospect totally awesome, week
Last week I was probably more busy than ever before. Here are some examples of what I have done, plus comments (and I’m not even counting the 8 hour work days, grocery shopping and work out).
Walking Dead marathon
The night before we had watched the two last episodes of season 2, to get set for season 3. In America there have been some episodes this fall, so me, Andreas and Henric sat down to watch the first four episodes of season 3, and… wow. WOW! So freakin great! Brutally good, and brutal in general. Surpassed all our expectations and we were on needles/on clouds, or how ever you want to look at it. We can’t wait to see the next episodes.

Al Pitcher
Stand-up comedy at its best. I have seen him on Youtube before and really like him, so when he know came to Halmstad, me and people form the gang went there. And once again: Wow! He was sooo good. Al Pitcher is from New Zeeland and have moved to Sweden, and he jokes a lot about Swedish traditions, the language and stuff like that. And the second half he showed photos he had taken in Halmstad during the day. So the other half of the show was very local, and thereby unique. And the whole time the audience was very much involved, no matter if they wanter to or not. Very successful.

Election coverage.
There was an election in America, if anyone didn’t notice. I wanted to see it all, but I couldn’t. I altered between watching CNN and go to sleep, wake up, watch, sleep and so on. I watched the most important states and their exit polls. I had Obama for my bet, and he won too. Four more years!

Laundry – that didn’t work.
The only day I was a bit free I did laundry, among other things. It went well the first two times. But when I was to take out the third laundry machine, it didn’t work. The door was stuck. Didn’t move. And it didn’t for a couple of days. Sunday I managed to get it open, after re –washed it again.
Party. It was supposed to be just a chill afterwork, but it soon became a full-on party. Party on!
Our team Halmstad’s first qualification game to come back to the highest division. Me and Andreas went there, and it was an amazing game. Halmstad won against Sundsvall with 3-0, the gameplay was great from Halmstad, but not from Sundsvall, and the audience was totally great. It’s looking good for the next game the upcoming Saturday.
Party 2.
This party we had prepared for for two months. Everybody was so excited, and it went so well. Everybody had so much fiun.
Fathers day.
Celebrated dad with cake, gifts, glögg and gingerbread.
Sunday dinner.
As every week, dinner with the gang. We watched Euopean Music Awards on MTV. Good performers and awards, but horribly produced show. But Heidi Klum was a good host, who did the best she could and was good.
So, to sum up, amazing episodes of Walking Dead, amazing show by Al Pitcher, amazing election coverage and amazing parties. A very good week, that is.