
As you might have noticed, I haven’t blogged in a while. There has been so much to do this week, and it’s not over yet.


Monday I had my first interview for my internship SCORE. It went well, expect the old man was late.  Today I have another interview.


Plus two meetings for the paper, Academic Senate and Board of Trustees. After all the commosion at the paper, I’m right now doing both.


Plus photo assignment, and I’m also wrapping up my first big project in Creative writing, that is due Monday. Two interviews for that this week, and another one today.


The reason I want to do all this by today is that we are going away for the weekend. Today it’s Cecily’s birthday! Yay!! So when she finish her production at the paper, a big group of us will be going to Anaheim to spend the weekend there partying, hopefully go to Disneyland and also see Lauren’s competitions.


Speaking of that, the cheer team won their competition last weekend!



The team after the victory


Me and Lauren before the competition



So I’m going to Anaheim this afternoon. See you some time after the weekend!