Rain, rain, and rain. And a midterm.

I didn’t write an entry yesterday, so I say it now: congratulations dad! But we talked Sunday.


Now it has been raining for two days. Everything I wet, it’s cold, the weather sucks, there are no people in the streets, people feel bad, papers gets destroyed and you have to walk since it’s so hard to bike with an umbrella.


Yesterday I was out to shoot some feature photos for the photojournalism class. Unfortunately the combination of me being ill and the weather has caused me to miss out most good photo ops. But yesterday I walked down State Street. Nothing in the whole street. But down by Stearns Warf there was protesting. It was a Native American organization protesting against Columbus Day. According to them the genocide of Native Americans began with Columbus’ discovery of America, and therefore it’s not a day you should celebrate. I took some photos. Then I went to the warf and took pictures of seagulls.


Today I had my first midterm. 100 questions in photojournalism. Think it went well, even though there was no many questions about history. Thankfully there was a lot of silly questions aswell. “What important photo equipment was invented in the 20s?” and one of the options were “24-7 open hamburger joints”.


Here are three feature pictures:


I liked this picture from the protests. Some cute children laughing, but at the same time holding a sign talking about Hitler.

Columbus has been hanged by the protesters

A seagull who is not allowed to fish