Ghost evening with the Ghost in the glass

Tonigth we've been to Elise House and had a real occult evening. We have been doing the Ghost In the Glass (I don't know if this is the correct English translation or name for this, but that's the name I will use in this blog entry).
We wanted to know if there was a ghost in their house, as some of the girls have suggested. Strange things has occured there, like girls being looked out for no reason, strange sound ahs come from the looked and sealed attic, ans other spooky things have happend.

This evening was really fun, but also scary.

Ok, first, for you who doesn't know anything about The Ghost In the Glass, here is what it is:
You sit around a Ouija Board. You have a glass and a small candle. You ask a question to the ghost into the glass. You then hold the glass over the candle and put the glass on the board. The Ouija board has an alphabet, numbers, YES/NO and Good Bye written, It looks like this:

Maria H made a real nice board

After this, all the participants (except the one who has asked the question) put their fingers on the glass. The glass will start to move across the board to give the answers to the questions.

Okey, already now I know that there will be people reading this thinking that we are stupid. But I promise, this is real fun, and you shouldn't discredit it before you've tried it yourself.

The fun part isn't that the glass is moving. You know that it will, and that some of the other contestants, on purpose or not, will move the glass (but I have to say that me myself almost never moved the glass at all). The interesting part are the answers.

Since it's only the one who asked the question that knows what the question is about (years, what happend, names, yes or no-questions, number-quetions) the answer often gets spookly correct.  So, during this evening we got to know the following things about what occured at the house of the girls at Elise House:

  • Something happend here 1996 (which we founf out in severeal different questions)
  • Somebody died
  • It wasn't murder (probably an accident)
  • The police were there
  • Someone hung themself or somebody else
  • Someone called/who's name is Mimi died/will die
  • The ghost we talked to were problaby a man
  • Something is there FOR EVER.
  • On the quetion of the ghosthad lost it's love, the answer was "SAD"
And some other things aswell.

I don't care if you say we are goofy. I had very fun, and it was very coo.l. Just because that alla the quetions got relevant answers without the people around the board knew it at that time.

We didn't get to finnish the session. The candle died out, people got tired, people wanted to go to sleep, the wine run out, and other stuff.

We'll probably finnish some other time. People wanted to continue at our place, but since we havnät noticed any ghost around here it seems unnecessary.  Hopefully we will continue our quest to find out ehat happend at Elise Way 1996, which apperantly still is a big deal in the world of spirits...

It looked kinda like this. The photo, though, was captured before the real dela started, just not to offend the ghost with foto flashes :)

After The Ghost in The Glass we continued with a lot of other discussions. We talked about a lot of interesting stuff, like religion, politics, growing up, immigration, education, paranormal events, our time in Santa Barbara and a lot more.

Why can't every night be as fun as this?