Movie: Sorority Row

From now on, when I've been to the movies, I will follow up with a review here on the blog, and it will be good practice if I maybe becom an entertainment reporter some time :)

After today's studies it was a good ending to go to the cinema. And finnaly some horror movie at the theaters, it was a long time for me since last time.

(FYI, if you are planning on seeing this movie, donät worry, I won't spoil anything)

Tonights movie was Sorority Row (Wiki, IMDb). A horror movie, where the plot is like this: A group of girls at a sorority will play a prank on a guy who has been cheating. They pretend that she dies and that it's her fault. But something goes wrong, and she dies for real. The have to promise each other not to tell anyone outside the group. But after their graduation, spooky things starts to happen...

Do you recognize it from somewhere else? I immedeatly started to think about I Know What You Did Las Summer. If you take that one, mix it with Scream and Girl Gone Wild, there you have this movie. Cause there's a lot of girls in this movie. A lot of sexy girls, and much nudity. Bet looking were those who played Cassidy and Maggie.
(If you rather like guys there where some bare chests aswell, but not as many).
Why can't some of our parties at Wentwort be like the parties in this movie? Exept the facts taht people dies, that is.

The horror was, as in the precvious references, very much surprise-horror, like "WAAAH! and you got scared". Not that much creepy feelings and unpleasant scenes. Many things were standard for the genre, but some things were a positive surprise. Can tell about one thing. In a bathroom cupboard, with a mirror: It was opend and shut again, but there was NOT a person standing there in the reflexion. Thanks for that, cause that is one of the most used clichés in this genre.

Kinda nice feeling overall with some surprising stuff, but many things you recognized from before. A horror movie that was all okey. Watch it if you want a horror movie that's simular to Scream and IKWYDLS. But according to the teaser trailers (I love that american cinemas have so many trailers!) that there will be many horror movies this fall. It will be great to sit there and see some more scary stuff this fall.

Grade: 2,5 Tire irons out of possible 5.

Jessica, Claire, Cassidy and Elle out on a dark road