Wonderful first day
Now I’m finally back in Santa Barbara!
The trip her went kinda well, but I’m never gonna fly with Air Berlin again. No own entertainment systems, just a couple of big tv:s which everyone had to look at. Lame.
But now I’m finally here. My new house mate Christoffer came and picked me up at the bus. The new place I’m living at is really cool, a big nice room. The apartment is right by the school, really right by. And we also got ocean view.
Today was my first day here, and I started by walking around at the beach, the pier and State Street. I felt so good, and I really thought “I’m at home”.
Then I met Lauren, and it was so nice to meet her again. We had lunch and we had so much to talk about.
Then we went to Elyse’s place. Along with her and her roommate’s dog we wnet to a dog beach. We sunned and bathed and played with big black Apollo. He likes small dogs. As soon as he saw a little dog he ran after it to play.
Tonight me and Lauren had dinner (finally Arigato Sushi!) with Cecily and Vaios. Oh, it’s so nice to meet my friends again. Oh, I feel so good about life right now.
Tomorrow school starts. It will actually be a lot of fun. Have two classes tomorrow, one at 11 and one in the evening. Will get back to you on how they seem.
So to sum it up, everything is just great.
I would like to finish by sending a greeting to my parents. Thanks mom and dad for everything this summer. I really appreciate it. Love you!