I have voted

Today it’s Labor Day, and I celebrated that by voting for the one Swedish party that is best for the jobs: The Moderate Party.


The t-shirt says “There’s only one working party that can fix the jobs – The New Moderates”


September 19 it’s the election in Sweden. On one side is the liberal-conservative government alliance and on the other is the socialists. I belong to the liberal conservative party The Moderate Party, which is also the biggest one of the four that forms the government that has been ruling Sweden for the past four years.

Besides the national election it is also elections to local and regional offices.


I was very political active in Sweden, and just to campaign a lot. Feels sad that I can’t do that this election, cause it is so much fun. And especially now when most things looks to go our way.


At first I was planning on going to San Francisco to vote at the Swedish consulate, but since you only can do that in the weeks that couldn’t happens cause of my school schedule. So I voted by mail instead. I had been thinking ahead and brought ballots from my hometown so that I could vote on persons and not just parties. It is a bit work to mail vote. You put the ballots in envelopes, and you put them in another envelope and then in yet ANOTHER envelope. Also, two witnesses has to sign it to confirm that everything has been done properly.

Now I’ve done my duty. I hope all the other Swedes do the same, and make sure Sweden get to keep the best government there is.


The envelope with my votes.